
I have read a couple of articles where some researchers conclude that
Internet is used to make public the private things and allows to establish
non-deep and non-strong relations with many people (quantity not quality in
relations). Probably Internet is the space where each human tries to be what
wants to be: the center of the universe. It's not that bad, It's natural.
That's what social networks were made for (Para eso se hicieron las redes

2011/6/29 Owen Densmore <o...@backspaces.net>

> Can anyone make sense of Google+?
>     http://www.iclarified.com/entry/index.php?enid=15826
> I'm starting to get confused about "social media".  Personally I don't
> really care a whole lot what all of us are doing every minute of the day,
> but with all the activity, I sense I may be missing the point.
> What is a sane view of social media?
>         -- Owen
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