Looking at the Google+ articles, it does sound like Wave was.  Maybe second
time is a charm!

However, having just started using Gmail in ernest, I was surprised just how
far behind I was in G-Tech.  There are a LOT of good pieces there.

In particular, I downloaded the Video Chat plugin which apparently now works
on all the "supported browsers" and OSs. (They broke on snow leopard but
have fixed it .. needs a reboot now but that's it.)  It actually could
compete with Skype, maybe.

It has a couple of advantages, mainly that it already has contacts, mail,
text chat etc.  And Skype is rather complicated, oddly enough, so on the
ease of use front, it might be easier for folks to just add Video Chat to
their gmail than to wrestle with the Skype interface.

So maybe the noise I was concerned about earlier really is just the same old
ecology and trying to fit them all together seamlessly.  We'll see.

        -- Owen
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