I have a clarifying (to me) question:  When you say "MC" and
"integration" and "The US has eschewed xyz", what scale and mechanisms
provide your context?

By scale, I mean spectra like from interpersonal <-> US culture and city
ordinance <-> Constitution, borrowing tools from neighbors <-> credit
default swaps, etc.  By mechanisms I mean things like your two examples
of common currency and agreements like the EU, but also things like
common law, options for incorporation, tax-exemption, licensing, guest
worker programs, the electoral college, etc.

It's just not clear to me where your question's coming from.

Owen Densmore wrote circa 11-08-09 09:38 AM:
> They are:
> - Multiculturalism (MC).
> - Euro monitory union without political union.
> As I understand it, MC is based on "separate but equal", a horrid phrase
> used here during the segregation era, but within europe may simply be a
> welcoming phrase meaning "come, and you do not have to change abruptly
> to local cultural values".  The US has eschewed MC for "integration",
> which has its own problems and forces a generation-long battle with
> local bigotry.  But as difficult as integration is, it seems to
> ultimately be successful and avoids the horrid anomaly I read of: A
> muslim husband was pardoned by a judge for beating his wife because MC
> allows breadth of law to include muslim practice.  All of which I
> suspect was completely misunderstood from start to finish!
> The euro strikes closer to home, and as I mentioned earlier, I fear is
> the real financial problem we face.  But I feel doomed by the euro debt
> problem simply because it's half an economy!  I don't understand how an
> economic union can exist, at the scale of the EU, without political
> unity as well.  I know of large trade pacts that work to some degree,
> but they can always dissolve, and have power over their fiscal policy.
> So the questions are how can either MC or a non-political euro work?

glen e. p. ropella, 971-222-9095, http://tempusdictum.com

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