Maybe it's a cultural difference.  I prefer kefir, myself.  But then, I'm


On Sat, Sep 17, 2011 at 2:09 PM, Nicholas Thompson <> wrote:

> I cannot … for the life of me …. Understand what the mind-body “problem” is
> any more than I can understand what the computing-transistor problem is (if,
> indeed, there are still transistors in computers.)  We would never wonder
> why a better transistor would make the computing better; why would we wonder
> why a better stomach would make the mind work better.   To me, the
> interesting psychological question is why people see it is a problem.  What
> is that they want to make of the mind that makes the mind-body problem a
> problem?****
> ** **
> Nick ****
> ** **
> *From:* [] *On
> Behalf Of *Victoria Hughes
> *Sent:* Saturday, September 17, 2011 1:09 PM
> *To:* The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group
> *Subject:* [FRIAM] Fwd: The Psychology Of Yogurt****
> ** **
> Probiotics, reduced anxiety, and thoughts about the weird, wrong perception
> that we exist separately from our bodies, somehow. ****
> ** **
> ** **
> *Date: *September 17, 2011 12:18:17 PM MDT****
> *Subject: **The Psychology Of Yogurt*****
> *Source: *Wired Science » Frontal Cortex****
> *Author: *Jonah Lehrer****
> ** **
> My latest WSJ 
> column<>
>  uses a new study on probiotics as a launching pad to explore the
> mind-body problem, perhaps the most perplexing mystery in modern science:*
> ***
> One of the deepest mysteries of the human mind is that it doesn’t feel like
> part of the body. Our consciousness seems to exist in an immaterial realm,
> distinct from the meat on our bones. We feel like the ghost, not like the
> machine.****
> This ancient paradox—it’s known as the mind-body problem—has long perplexed
> philosophers. It has also interested neuroscientists, who have traditionally
> argued that the three pounds of our brain are a sufficient explanation for
> the so-called soul. There is no mystery, just anatomy.****
> In recent years, however, a spate of research has put an interesting twist
> on this old conundrum. The problem is even more bewildering than we thought,
> for it’s not just the coiled cortex that gives rise to the mind—it’s the
> entire body. As the neuroscientist Antonio Damasio writes, “The mind is
> embodied, not just embrained.”****
> The latest evidence comes from a new study of probiotic bacteria, the
> microorganisms typically found in yogurt and dairy products. While most
> investigations of probiotics have focused on their gastrointestinal
> benefits—the bacteria reduce the symptoms of diarrhea and irritable bowel
> syndrome—this new research explored the effect of probiotics on the brain.
> ****
> The experiment, led by Javier Bravo at University College Cork in Ireland,
> was straightforward. First, he fed normal lab mice a diet full of
> probiotics. Then, Mr. Bravo’s team tested for behavioral changes, which were
> significant: When probiotic-fed animals were put in stressful conditions,
> such as being dropped into a pool of water, they were less anxious and
> released less stress hormone.****
> How did the food induce these changes? The answer involves GABA, a
> neurotransmitter that reduces the activity of neurons. When Mr. Bravo looked
> at the brains of the mice, he found that those fed probiotics had more GABA
> receptors in areas associated with memory and the regulation of emotions.
> (This change mimics the effects of popular antianxiety medications in
> humans.)****
> Furthermore, when he severed the nerve connecting the gut and brain in a
> control group of mice, these neural changes disappeared. The probiotic diet
> no longer relieved the symptoms of stress.****
> Though it might seem odd that a cup of yogurt can influence behavior, the
> phenomenon has been repeatedly confirmed, at least in rodents. Earlier this
> year, Swedish scientists showed that the presence of gut bacteria shapes the
> development of the mouse brain, while French researchers found that treating
> human subjects with large doses of probiotics for 30 days reduced levels of
> “psychological distress.” There’s nothing metaphorical about “gut feelings,”
> for what happens in the gut really does influence what we feel.****
> Nor is it just the gastrointestinal tract that alters our minds. Mr.
> Damasio has shown that neurological patients who are unable to detect
> changes in their own bodies, like an increased heart rate or sweaty palms,
> are also unable to make effective decisions. When given a simple gambling
> task, they behave erratically and lose vast sums of money. Because they
> can’t experience the fleshy symptoms of fear, they never learn from their
> mistakes.****
> This research shows that the immateriality of mind is a deep illusion.
> Although we feel like a disembodied soul, many feelings and choices are
> actually shaped by the microbes in our gut and the palpitations of our
> heart. Nietzsche was right: “There is more reason in your body than in your
> best wisdom.”****
> This doesn’t mean, of course, that the mind-body problem has been solved.
> Though scientists have ransacked our matter and searched everywhere inside
> the skull, they still have no idea why we feel like a ghost. But it’s now
> abundantly clear that the mind is not separate from the body, hidden away in
> some ethereal province of thought. Rather, we emerge from the very same
> stuff that digests our lunch.****
> If you’d like to learn about the microbiome lurking inside your pipes, I
> highly recommend this wonderful 
> slideshow<>
>  by Ed Yong.****
> Read 
> more…<>
> ****
> **
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