A simple corollary question might be:

Why don't we find "coop" style services to compete with the multi-opoloies? The main thing I know of in this nature is the "Credit Union". Are these truly regulated out of possibility by the lobby-interests? Or are we just too lazy? Or is it too hard to agree to do anything like this without a profit motive?

My candidates:

   Telecom services (esp. cellular)
   Gasoline (yes there are local coops related to the farming industry)
   Car Rental

One approach to Glen/Eric's observations is to take small steps that actually help you too.

I'm having a terrible time with cellular phones. I want a truly mobile phone which implies GSM, not the weird non-standard american technologies. But ATT sucks and TMobile appears to be going out of business (Deutsche Telekom, who owns TMobile wants to pull out of the US market.)

So I started looking into other alternatives and found a list of all carriers in the US (Cricket is one of them, for example)

But I then stumbled into the MVNO (Mobile Virtual Network Operator) idea: companies who buy wholesale quantities of cellular services from the big guys and resell it to you for a reasonable price and personal service.

I'm considering one of these. The upside is that you can completely avoid contracts. You can also just buy the phone you want rather than having to use whatever the telco wants you to use. Yes this appears to be expensive, but buying an unlocked phone easily pays for itself within the life of the phone.

The main point is that steps towards independence can be made reasonably. One of the MVNO's for example specializes in supporting green energy. They're sorta micro industries that use the big guys tech but match your needs better.

I hope we see a lot more like the MVNOs in other areas like credit cards, paypal alternatives, and so on.

   -- Owen

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