On 10/15/2011 2:55 AM, Alfredo Covale da wrote:
If today's software were Fortran descendant, software were better?
It would probably be faster. Fortran call arguments can't alias, which means a compiler is far less constrained in changing the order of operations (e.g. running work in parallel on multiple cores or on accelerators like GPUs). Fortran 2008 has most of the features of C++ other than permissive use of raw addresses.

Ritchie himself joked "the power of assembly language and the convenience of ... assembly language." One can find numerous examples of hardcore system programmers like Linus Torvalds loudly objecting to attempts to make C compilers (gcc) too smart. C is a clean small language for portable programming on hardware. I think the world have been a better place had people recognized that a long time a go and moved on. It is pretty much a given that almost any new language that has a chance of success will share properties of C, if not actual syntax. Unfortunately, properties that made for practical systems programming on a PDP/11 35 years ago are not the properties that should guide all kinds of programming today. Many of the security fixes that daily stream into your PC or Mac or Linux system basically you can blame on C (and C++) programmers, and abuse of typing.

Dennis Ritchie, of course, moved systems programming forward and made the world a better place. The spectacular lack of creativity that followed can't be blamed on him.


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