I am pretty sure Kotler would agree to a reading, a public talk, etc. to publicize. I like Kotler's style and perspective in general but teaming up with Diamandis was killer. I disagree with a lot of their assumptions and their conclusions but like the general ideas they espouse and the tone as an antidote to our modern cynicism about the past, present and future.

I hugely disagree with much of the Kurzweillian Utopic Singularity but like the Kotler/Diamandis variation a bit more.

Kotler and I have bandied about quite a bit on his perspectives on Abundance and what it means for the future... and in fact, it informs my opinions/position on the topic of "Will to Power" in the last mailing...

I've already pinged him about when good timing for a talk/reading at SFx would be appropriate. We'll see!

- Steve
On Sun, Feb 12, 2012 at 11:27 AM, Stephen Guerin <stephen.gue...@redfish.com <mailto:stephen.gue...@redfish.com>> wrote:

    Steven Kotler's book, Abundance, is in pre-release ordering.
    Please check it out! e-book's will be available at release.

    Congratulations, Steven!

Any chance we could have a talk on the ideas in the book? Either view a video, have an author drop by, do a book-read and chat?

   -- Owen

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