"Abundance" is on my night table, Owen, but I haven't a very clear idea of when I'll get to it.


On Feb 29, 2012, at 8:33 PM, Owen Densmore wrote:

Abundance was discussed today on PBS's On Point:

Its interesting that much of the conversation was on tech/science and innovation. But it seems to me the big challenge is in the humanities and social sciences. How do we stop destruction of each other and begin to understand each other.

There is a tech/sci area that may help: Computational Social Science. Scott Page (online course) has an interesting statement in his Decision Theory section. Not only can DT help you understand how to make better decisions, but it can help you deconstruct other people's decision process. This is hugely useful in negotiation and diplomacy.

Has anyone here read Abundance? If so, does it address peace and understanding? Diplomacy?

   -- Owen

On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 9:22 PM, Steve Smith <sasm...@swcp.com> wrote:
I am pretty sure Kotler would agree to a reading, a public talk, etc. to publicize. I like Kotler's style and perspective in general but teaming up with Diamandis was killer. I disagree with a lot of their assumptions and their conclusions but like the general ideas they espouse and the tone as an antidote to our modern cynicism about the past, present and future.

I hugely disagree with much of the Kurzweillian Utopic Singularity but like the Kotler/Diamandis variation a bit more.

Kotler and I have bandied about quite a bit on his perspectives on Abundance and what it means for the future... and in fact, it informs my opinions/position on the topic of "Will to Power" in the last mailing...

I've already pinged him about when good timing for a talk/reading at SFx would be appropriate. We'll see!

- Steve
On Sun, Feb 12, 2012 at 11:27 AM, Stephen Guerin <stephen.gue...@redfish.com > wrote: Steven Kotler's book, Abundance, is in pre-release ordering. Please check it out! e-book's will be available at release.

Congratulations, Steven!

Any chance we could have a talk on the ideas in the book? Either view a video, have an author drop by, do a book-read and chat?

   -- Owen

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                                Laurie Anderson

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