Perhaps this is of some use -

*Using Alternative Therapies: A Qualitative Analysis by Jacqueline Low
Publisher: Canadian Scholars Press (May 1, 2004) | ISBN: 1551302640 |
Pages: 200 | PDF | 1.78 MB

This book provides a distinctive sociological inquiry into the perspectives
and social issues surrounding the use of alternative therapies. Dr. Low
presents the experiences of twenty-one Canadians who use alternative
approaches to health care. Her study foregrounds the lay perspective by
using a symbolic interactionist approach, which emphasises individuals' own
understanding of reality as a basis for their actions. Dr. Low analyses how
and why the participants in the study came to use alternative therapies;
the ideologies informing the models of health and healing they espouse; the
impact these beliefs have on them, and the implications of their
experiences for Canadian health care policy.

On Thu, Apr 26, 2012 at 6:08 AM, glen <> wrote:

> Are there any sources for data that you recommend?  Keep in mind that I'm
> used to biological data.  I don't think my mind is closed to other types of
> data.  But I would expect something like blind experiments and
> statistically significant populations.  Etc.
> Feel free to tell me to RTFM. 8^)  I just figured you might be able to
> suggest a few sources off the top of your head.
> peggy miller wrote at 04/25/2012 09:26 AM:
>  Speaking in defense of some alternatives, and as a Chinese/Ayurvedic
>> Medicinal Herbalist, I so far in my practice am finding it to be highly
>> useful as a medical alternative for everything from congestion to
>> insomnia,
>> tremors, memory loss, bowel problems, diabetic problems, fatigue,
>> arthritis, nerve issues. I have yet to have a client with seizures, but it
>> is supposed to help many cases of that nature. The research and validation
>> on both Chinese and Ayurvedic Medicine goes back millenium, with many
>> cases. But I, being somewhat skeptical, continue to be surprised by how
>> useful it is as I practice it with clients. I urge you all to try a local
>> Chinese/Ayurvedic Medicinal Herbalist. You may find it surprising. Peggy
>> M.
> --
> glen
> ==============================**==============================
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