On Thu, May 10, 2012 at 5:12 PM, Steve Smith <sasm...@swcp.com> wrote:

>  My wife and I are both literally hell on iphone and even MacBook
> screens.   I've successfully replaced 2G and 3G 3Gs glass, though the last
> time into my 3gs to replace *back*, *battery* *and* glass, I'd apparently
> insulted the "video" connector/cable to the motherboard one too many
> times... the screen is blank unless I squeeze the phone just right...  but
> this was the third time into all this on that phone and a good excuse to go
> to a 4.

Yeah, its clear to me that my 4s won't survive this done more than once
more, its pretty tough on the insides of the critter.  I made at least 4
mistakes I feared would be fatal, but weren't.  Damn these screws and
protectors are TINY!

iCracked is changing almost daily.  I went back to look at the parts they
sell, and they have one real life-saver: a complete screw set:


As you may have found out, they can easily be lost.  I was surprised I
didn't loose one, but it was close.  One stunt I used was to use scotch
tape loops on the workflow chart to place the screws on.  Worked quite well.

Question: I have not yet mastered the reassembly stunt that requires you to
take these micro crews and place them accurately on your magnetic screw
driver.  They seldom "seat" properly and thus are always slipping and
getting off-center.  I ended up using a travel magnifying glass (only 2x or
so) held in one hand, steadying the driver w/ screw.  But getting the screw
in place is an artform that I hope the pros can tell me about.

Do you have any tricks?  I tried tweezers but heaven help you if they
"pinch" sending the screw across the room!  They're all the size of a
period at the end of this sentence.

> Overall, I feel like the 4's screens are *more* robust... Just Friday I
> was driving to Denver, discovered I didn't have my phone 1 mile down the
> road, went back and looked high and low for an hour only to finally find it
> when I gave up and discovered it had in fact fell off the top of my car in
> my driveway... dusty and overheated (in the sun) but no broken (or even
> scuffed) screen!

Whoa, now that is encouraging!  The "82% higher" is pretty old, and
definitely pre-iPhone4s.

My personal concern is wondering what happened causing my screen to crack.
 I had dropped my earlier iPhone 2g (original) several times with no
problem.  I've dropped the 4s 2 or 3 times, generally bending over and
having it drop out of a shirt pocket.  Never saw a crack.  That's why I
think my putting the phone in pants pocket may be the culprit.

I'm not a case user, why should I make a beautiful thing ugly!  But
iCracked included a bumper and a screen protector with the order .. I guess
I'll try them.

> I like the DIY motto:  If you can't open the case, you don't own it.
> What  kind of technoweenies are we if we can't follow a youtube video and
> do some simple component replacement?

Well, honestly, its a bit harder than that, but courage and taking your
time and listening to EVERY word on the video does bring it into the
capacity of a 70 year old tech-y.

   -- Owen
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