
The question your definition raises is how does God, defined as " 'the'
principle which regulates existence/the uinivers/multiverse/ parallel
worlds or whatever" differ from what science is looking for?

*-- Russ Abbott*
***  Professor, Computer Science*
*  California State University, Los Angeles*

*  My paper on how the Fed can fix the economy:*
*  Google voice: 747-*999-5105
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On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 8:11 AM, Bruce Sherwood <>wrote:

> This may be relevant to the US situation: I was brought up Baptist and
> fled in my late teens. Among the reasons for fleeing was esthetic: the
> worldview was constricted and stifling -- it deliberately ruled out
> the sense of wonder and delight that comes with a science-based view
> of the world (evolution, cosmology, etc.). A more banal reason for
> flight was deep dissatisfaction with all the mumbo-jumbo. I became a
> Unitarian (now called Unitarian-Universalist, or UU). For those on
> this list unfamiliar with UUs, it's a non-credal "religion" that
> includes atheists, Christians, Buddhists, pagan, whatever -- there is
> a set of excellent principles but no creed. UU was a place that people
> like me, born when I was (1938), fled to.
> Only very recently was it brought to my attention that nowadays new
> UUs typically are NOT fleeing a Christian upbringing. Rather they come
> from the "not-affiliated", a rapidly growing group in the US. They
> come with little or no Christian baggage of the kind that I still drag
> around like Marley's chains. God or no god isn't a big deal with them.
> They're just looking for a community in which the deep questions of
> life can be thought about together in a serious, unloaded way.
> Bruce
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