
I'm disappointed that you missed one additional opportunity to chide me
about my "faith":  the imaginary voice in my head.

On a brighter note, however, at least there weren't any two-way telepathic
conversations involved.


On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 3:22 PM, Steve Smith <> wrote:

> Doug -
> Congratulations on avoiding another opportunity to become someone's hood
> ornament!
>  Apropo of nothing, of course, except that I retain my faith that they are
>> out to get me when I'm on the motorcycle.
> However, for the sake of the Monkey, the Weasel and the Mulberry bush, I
> contend that your use of the world "faith" here aligns with my use of the
> word "Faith" in general and roughly matches what those who I believe you
> revile (or at least chide) do.  You (as they) choose a *working statement*
> which has no basis in fact (has been refuted or at least can't be
> verified), but which *works well for you* and the *rhetoric* of the
> statement plays well within your community (of other riders who subscribe
> to the same Faith).
> I think I'm turning to butter.
> - Steve
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