Excellent!  Thanks, Eric.  Word games like these seem to me to be
semantic loops that can only be resolved by using a larger language.
There is no difference between "detachment" and "non-attachment" and
anyone who claims there is is playing games.  That's OK.  Games are fun.

But rather than go round and round trying to out-profound each other, I
need new words.  Yours are a bit long, but they might work. ;-)

ERIC P. CHARLES wrote at 10/02/2012 06:58 AM:
> Following his suggestion, it seems that you are using 'attachment' and
> 'detachment' as short hands for caring-about-maintaining-your-attachment and
> caring-about-dissolving-your-attachment. Both are similar, in your view,
> because they involve putting forth effort to regulate one's level of
> attachment. The third option, which you are
> calling 'non-attachment' is to not care / not put forth effort. This could
> entail either being-neutral-to-your-level-of-attachment
> or the even more extreme being-oblivious-to-your-level-of-attachment.
> The former (neutral) option would allow for things like bemused
> self-observations ('How odd that I seem to care about this cup. Oh well.'),
> while the later (oblivious) option would not. Am I understanding you 
> correctly?


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