I detached myself from this thread at least 5 messages ago.  Oops

Thanks a lot, Steve...

On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 11:32 AM, Steve Smith <sasm...@swcp.com> wrote:

>  It did come through, it's succinctness caused me to type a message like
> this:
> My dog is the epitome of attachment.
> My cat is the epitome of non-attachment.
> Some cats and dogs seem studied in detachment.
> My mailtool (Thunderbird) seems fairly attached to the idea that I might
> send without making the attachment I possibly intended when I used the word.
> My cat was recently confiscated by the coyotes, I think they can't be
> bothered with all this talk.
>  But then I thought it might be perceived as "flip" and deleted it.  I do
> this from time to time, it is my simulation of non-attachment I think.
> I liked my post on attachment. (Perhaps I'm attached to it.) Did it get
> lost? I don't see it in any of the follow-up posts.  Here it is again.
>  Think of attachment as: I must ensure that X comes to pass. I want it so
> badly.
>  Think of detachment as: I must not want so badly that X comes to pass. I
> must stay detached.
>  Think of non-attachment as: I may participate in the process whereby X comes
> to pass -- or doesn't come to pass. If I participate I may be fully
> engaged. I may care very much whether X comes to pass. It it does, I may
> feel very happy. If it doesn't I may feel very sad. But whether or not X comes
> to pass I still have my laundry to do.
>  *-- Russ Abbott*
> *_____________________________________________*
> *  Professor, Computer Science*
> *  California State University, Los Angeles*
>  *  My paper on how the Fed can fix the economy: ssrn.com/abstract=1977688
> *
> *  Google voice: 747-*999-5105
>   Google+: plus.google.com/114865618166480775623/
> *  vita:  *sites.google.com/site/russabbott/
>   CS Wiki <http://cs.calstatela.edu/wiki/> and the courses I teach
> *_____________________________________________*
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