Nick -

I really like the instant run=off. Or any run-off, for that matter. Forces people to snuggle with people they don't like.

I do like run-offs, but more so that I can vote *first* for my preferred candidate and *second* for the lesser of evils and get a more diverse pot of ideals, issues, and discussions. Maybe "snuggling with people they don't like" is your shorthand for this diversity?

I have voted for Obama. And for Elizabeth Warren. I vote in Massachusetts. Romney seems to me to be a scoundrel.

I fear he is a scoundrel backed by scoundrels. He is much more astute personally than GW Bush or Ronnie V. Reagan was, maybe more like GHW Bush... and less likely to be a simple(ton) figurehead for the likes of Cheney/Rumsfield/Wolfowitz to run the country (into the ground) for the benefit of their arrogance and their pocketbooks (and those of their friends).

He seems so unstable that I am tempted to see him elected just for the pure thrill of seeing what happens.

I reveled (REVELED) at the coin toss of 2000 when Gore and Bush were left in limbo for months while their minions blew as hard as they could to get the coin to fall on their preferred side. My morbid fascination was in high gear... But within 2 years (9/11 and the start of the Iraq war and many other things) I was shitting my proverbial pants... it wasn't funny any more. Reagan and Bush I had used up a lot of my patience for Republicans, but Clinton balanced that out by using up a lot of my patience for Democrats. But Bush II and his cronies caused me to evacuate my patience for their party in short order.

Were it not for the supreme court, I might be tempted.

I'm not clear on the allusion? Are you saying it would be fun to watch another coin toss get blown over by the Supreme Court?

Gary Johnson, I don't know, but I am only a libertarian on social issues.

Yes... this is what stopped me from voting for him really... that and knowing that I didn't want to vote *against* Obama. A vote for Gary Johnson would have been a vote for validating third parties more than anything. Perot and Nader have proven that our elections can be influenced significantly by a third party.

So, we'll see.

with Bated Breath!
 - Steve

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