The only problem with that, Nick, is that he wouldn't be in charge, any more 
than George W. Bush was "in charge," "the decider," etc. I think Romney's whole 
campaign shows this. He's a plaything of The Interests. I immediately got your 
reference to the possibility of a Bork-directed set of Supreme Court nominees. 
Doesn't give you a good feeling in the pit of your stomach.

I was not thrilled with Obama's bending over to Wall Street. But on most other 
issues, I'm okay with him; he'll get my vote.

On Nov 4, 2012, at 10:11 PM, Nicholas Thompson wrote:

> My prurient interest in seeing Romney elected is seeing what a man without 
> any center does when he’s in charge?  My reference to the supreme court was 
> not and enthusiasm for a Bush v Gore kind of out come …. I think there might 
> be blood in the streets, if that happened again, chiefly because I might be 
> willing to shed some … but a fear for the four replacements of sitting 
> justices that may occur during the next 4 years. 
> Nick

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