On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 1:17 PM, Steve Smith <sasm...@swcp.com> wrote:

> Russell -
>  I did post a few times to the emergence discussion group, but alas didn't
>> find to time required to do the essential reading of the tomes discussing
>> emergence, so eventually had to skip the discussion.
> I *do*  remember you posting now, but at the time did not appreciate that
> you were the author of "Nothing".  I understood that Nick's discussion
> group had a wide dynamic range in the experience and knowledge of it's
> participants and wasn't surprised that the discussion was somewhat limited
> for those who had been around the Emergence tree a few times already.

What do they call it when people intersperse comments to an email within
the body of the quoted email?


Or is that something else?

>  I have come to a particular view on complexity and emergence, through
>> using it in my studies of complex systems, rather than reading the copious
>> literature on the subject. If I had done the latter, I'm sure I would have
>> been lost in the mire of contradictory definitions and positions.
> This is precisely why I find your work on the topic so refreshing. You
> seem to know *enough* about the published literature to be able address
> *some of* the obvious points but as you say, not get mired by them.  I'm
> also a sucker for Ensemble Theories (referencing _Nothing_).  I appreciate
> your humility in describing it this way as well.
>  So I'm quite sure, that what I've published is not particularly original,
>> and quite probably reproduces what someone else said in the dim, distant
>> past. Nevertheless, my paper "On complexity and emergence" is my second
>> highest cited paper, with 79 cites, according to Google Scholar. I didn't
>> expect that :). Cheers
> On Owen's generous production of the reference to your paper on ArXiv, I
> shifted from re-reading _Nothing_ to reading this (denser, more succinct)
> paper, which obviously provides some important underpinnings/core to the
> book.
> Thanks for _Nothing_
>     - Steve
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