I would take care with the term fluffing as there is a job title -
fluffer - and what a fluffer does is fluffing - but it is not something
anyone on this list would care to do, or so I assume.


On Wed, Feb 6, 2013, at 03:04 PM, Steve Smith wrote:

Doug -

What do they call it when people intersperse comments to an email
within the body of the quoted email?

<Lard>Well, I think Nick referred to it as "Larding" and then found
some etymological foundation in adding layers of fat into leaner
meats....  it is probably mostly intended to reference the structural
aspect of this phenomena, but it might also have some semantic meaning


Or is that something else?



  I think I know what you are referring to, and yes, this is
  definitely "fluffing"... I think I'm one of *your* most devout
  fluffers when I'm not being derisive (insert image of a motley fool
  here), in fact.  There is no point in not being ready to perform
  when it is your turn after all?




   I'm suddenly noticing that FluffyLarding is a variant on


Fluffingly Yours,

 - Steve


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