

When I first moved here, seven years ago, Owen set me down and eldered me
concerning "citizens like me" who have no respect for threads, whereas,
people like YOU, people who really are experienced with computers, see the
importance of not bending threads But this is the worst gang of @##!@&%
thread benders I have ever had the misfortune  to talk  with.  Thus, I now
find myself in the unlikely role  of the FRIAM thread fascist.   Owen, you
can pass me the Official Gavel, next time we meet.  


ANYWAY, thank you Glen for steering us back at least part toward the
question I raised, which was about whether complexity and instability were
related.  Owen introduced what I would call the Jenga (quod googlet
<> ) model of complexity - you keep adding
stuff until it's so baroque  the whole thing falls over when you touch it.
But even tho I started the argument, I am not sure what is the operating
definition of complexity we are working with.  I have have two quite
contradictory definitions floating around in my head: (1) the number of bits
and pieces x the number of kinds of bits and pieces or (2)the number of
organizational levels in the system.   The two definitions work at cross
purposes in my head because I think of heaps of stuff as being unstable and
hierarchical systems as (usually) stable.  


Glen now introduces (with respect to programming languages) a new dimension,
expressivity vs generality.  I know j.s. about computer languages, but the
metaphor of expressivity is intriguing to me, particularly when opposed to
generality.  Is the genetic code expressive or general?  And how do they
related to complexity.  And what is YOUR working definition of complexity.  




-----Original Message-----
From: Friam [] On Behalf Of glen e. p.
Sent: Friday, February 08, 2013 10:24 AM
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] IS: wHEN IS COMPLEXITY A GOOD? WAS: Windows Resource


Edward Angel wrote at 02/08/2013 08:02 AM:

> Although it might seem that I would have a similar view as Bruce since 

> we both support 3D graphics for educational purposes, my experience is 

> exactly the opposite of Bruce's. [...]


Perhaps it's my own abstraction run amok, but this whole discussion reminds
me of the recent one about Doug's friends Dick and Bart:


glen wrote at 01/15/2013 03:37 PM:

> I suspect Dick had methods he invented for his astrophysics and Bart 

> invented methods for ... billing people. 8^)  And I suspect they were 

> competent with those tools.  But I also suspect those tools did not 

> translate well to non-astrophysicists or non-lawyers ... or perhaps 

> even very many astrophysicists or very many lawyers.


Forget complexity (kind or degree), the metric is universality.  The more
expressive a tool, the less likely any particular use case for the tool will
apply across a large cohort.  The less expressive a tool, the more likely a
particular use case will translate, at least between commonly structured


This discussion ranges over a very limited set of highly expressive tools.
It makes complete sense that a particular use case for, say, a Mac would not
translate between even very similar users.


The beauty of on OS, a GUI, or a tightly coupled monolithically integrated
toolchain is that it _limits_ the universality of the tool, thereby making
it easier to translate any particular use case amongst the members of a
cohort.  If you're not in that cohort, well, tough luck for you ... You have
to puncture the monolithic toolchain, the GUI, or the OS to get what you
want.  (E.g. Marcus' description of analyzing to the bottom.)  You need a
more expressive tool in order to formulate and satisfy your use case.


If you're belligerent and want to retain the monolith, but coerce it into a
suboptimal satisficing for your compromised use case, then you have to
continually react to the slight changes in the toolchain. Your compromised
use case (and its generating machinery) is _fragile_ to changes in context.




glen e. p. ropella, 971-255-2847,  <>




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