I do some reading on a lenovo convertible tablet, but it is really too
heavy to hold in my hands.  It is big enough for journal pdfs, but if the
chart does not fit, too bad, scrolling is no substitute for unfolding.

I do most reading on my phone.  My daughter is starting to carry books on
her phone, too, in preference to her kindle.

Fine for text, but really need the quad HD projector for the graphics.

-- rec --
 On Feb 8, 2013 5:00 PM, "Gary Schiltz" <g...@naturesvisualarts.com> wrote:

> To me, it's debatable whether switching from hardcopy books to ebooks is a
> net environmental plus. However, living down here in Ecuador makes it a
> real pain in the butt to get hardcopies of technical books, especially in
> English. So far, I've been reading PDFs on my laptop, but the screen is too
> far from my face to really take advantage of its resolution. So, I'm
> considering either an iPad or some sort of Android tablet. A smaller form
> factor like Kindle Fire or Nexus 7 would be fine for material that can be
> reformatted on the fly, but I really prefer pre-formatted PDF ebooks. I'm
> afraid that a seven inch screen would be too small for most PDF ebooks.
> Does anyone here use a tablet to read PDFs? I'd appreciate hearing of your
> experiences.
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