
Here's my take on the language...

There are bugs that escape quality assurance and remain in a product when it is shipped. QA is not foolproof and as some wag said: 'You must ship your product (software) with bugs.' For anything but the smallest projects eliminating *all* bugs is usually seen as a pointless and hugely time consuming task. It's often a real combinatorial problem to completely test every possibility. A huge customer base is a more efficient way of finding them any way, so long as you keep the huge customer base in the process.

There are missing features that were never meant to be designed into the product in the first place. These can be captured and kept on wish lists for future releases. Some users may believe them to be bugs.

And then rarely, there are unexpected features that were discovered by the customer base that were never meant to be designed into the product. 'You found it could do what?'

From the engineering side no bug is on purpose - they are errors of omission not commission. How marketing/customer support puts their spin on it is another matter. Whether or not developers fix the customer identified bugs will probably be an economic decision or cost-benefit analysis using something like ($cost to fix C/no. customers affected N) - the lower the ratio the more likely action will be taken. I suspect for Google if N is close to 1 nothing will happen regardless.

What do others on the list think?

Robert C

On 3/24/13 2:53 PM, Nicholas Thompson wrote:

Now you all know, that, ever since Owen first used the word "top bit" in my presence, nearly a decade ago, I have followed, with rapt attention, the use of language on this list. So, you guys. I need to understand this better. Can a "bug" be "on purpose"? It sounds to me like Google has sabotaged its own product, right. Therefore, if I understand the language, any Nexus phone thatactually worked, would be "buggy"., by definition. I am sorry to bother you about this, but these are the kinds of things that keep me awake at night. N

*From:*Friam [] *On Behalf Of *Douglas Roberts
*Sent:* Sunday, March 24, 2013 1:44 PM
*To:* The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group
*Subject:* [FRIAM] Just sent this to the Google Device Support Team

/Hi, Google Device Support Team./

/It's been a while since we spoke, but I recently discovered that someone in your organization has been (I hope inadvertently) disseminating inaccurate information about this Nexus 4 <> bug, and I thought you'd want to know about it right away. /

/Here's the deal: you see, we all know that the Nexus 4 was not designed *on purpose* to prevent wifi and bluetooth from being used at the same time. We all know that it is a bug. Well, all of us except for Steve, apparently. Here, read for yourselves: /


/Now, we all have the utmost confidence that someone in your organization will immediately take Steve aside for a private little counselling session about the inappropriateness of, shall we say, /bending the truth/ regarding this particular flaw in the Nexus 4 product./

/Thanks for your prompt attention to this matter./




/Doug Roberts <>/


505-455-7333 - Office
505-672-8213 - Mobile/

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