We keep talking about doing coffee but hasn't happened yet.  Interesting

On Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 12:19 PM, Merle Lefkoff <merlelefk...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Ron,
> Norm and I teamed up when we were both in T Division (I was at CNLS) at
> the Lab working on an ABM policy simulator.  He's back in Santa Fe.
> Merle
> On Apr 12, 2013, at 12:06 PM, Ron Newman wrote:
> > Steve,
> > Do you have a link to your 2001 paper on Collective Intelligence?  Can't
> google it.
> >
> > By the way, are you acquainted with Norman Johnson, late of LANL?
> >
> > Ron
> >
> > --
> > Ron Newman, Founder
> > MyIdeatree.com
> > The World Happiness Meter
> >
> >
> > On Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 11:33 AM, Steve Smith <sasm...@swcp.com> wrote:
> > Ron-
> >> Here's the link to the Christakis/Fowler paper on happiness contagion I
> mentioned earlier...and a TEDx talk.
> > Thanks... I was being a little flip when I suggested all this, but I'm
> glad to see that there *is* work tied in already underway.
> >> Are they building off of Epstein's work?  He's not mentioned in the
> citations.
> > I doubt it.  I think we are talking somewhat separated paradigms.  I
> suspect there *could* be a tie in with some work, but I can tell already
> that Doug is not going to be our Emissary over beer and ribs... <grin>.
> >
> > I have worked on two projects that tie in to Fowler's talk and his
> referencing of the Digital Village.
> >
> > One was an early days(public) internet project ( entitled "Digital
> Village", no kidding) to try to understand how the growing participation in
> the internet of the first and third world population might change the
> nature of these populations.   I don't remember any amazing results, I seem
> to remember that the project was overcome by events such that we were
> running on pre-internet time trying to keep up with the actual progress of
> the internet.   A related project I think was to try to help the USPS
> anticipate what the internet was going to mean to them... and what they
> could do to remain relevant as the digital age overwhelmed the atom-age.
> >
> > The other was a paper on "Collective Intelligence" Circa 2001 which
> involved some simple simulations to demonstrate that a connected group
> could have more problem-solving ability than any individual     (or small
> subset?).
> >
> > A lot of my research and contribution overlaps a lot of what Fowler is
> saying in his TED talk... in particular our evolutionary roots as nomadic
> tribal groups of order 100... and the potential implications for our
> (future) social networks when they are no longer geographically, familial,
> or job constrained.
> >
> > I'm mildly disturbed by his verbage in the talk which seems to conflate
> correlation with causation (are obese friends on facebook actually
> influencing the others to become (more) obese or are they choosing
> eachother because they are obese, or do obese people share common interests
> (love food and sedentary pursuits while eschewing physical activities?).  I
> realize it is a popular talk jammed into a short period of time... I'll get
> more out of the paper I'm sure.
> >
> > I'm also interested in whether "Happiness" is considered a scalar, a
> vector or even a tensor?   And if there are iterated network models
> (roughly ABMs or Network Automata) trying to simulate this?
> >
> > So much for trying to be flip.  Now I'm hooked (a little).
> >
> > Happily hooked?
> >  - Steve
> >
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> >
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Ron Newman, Founder
MyIdeatree.com <http://www.Ideatree.us>
The World Happiness Meter <http://worldhappinessmeter.com>
FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
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