On 04/22/2013 11:37 PM, Russ Abbott wrote:
> But if it's possible what's the difference as far as
> your perspective on what science is?

My point was that you, too, can build a device that might allow you to
test E=mc^2.  It was in response to your statement that:

On 04/22/2013 11:15 AM, Russ Abbott wrote:
> There isn't much in today's science that I personally can use to 
> manipulate the world. Much of it provides the foundation for devices
> that other people build through which I manipulate the world.

My claim is that most of today's science can be personally used, by you,
to manipulate the world.  You can build the device.  And you can use it
to formulate a test for these theories.

And I claimed this in order to push home my point that theories are not
scientific unless they are accompanied by the science of a _test_.

glen  =><= Hail Eris!

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