On 7/15/13 9:55 PM, Marcus G. Daniels wrote:
On 7/15/13 9:50 PM, Steve Smith wrote:
Thanks for giving us the longer-living link, but I don't get the relevance to Z?
No relevance to the insufferable Zimmerman topic, in favor of the Zimmermann history related to the other thread. (never mind)
Got it...  I thought maybe.

I remember enduring the OJ trial and I'm afraid this feels the same.

My sympathies lie toward believing that Zimmerman(n?) was an overzealous jerk who put himself in an untenable situation and got away with it by a quirk of the legal and media systems. I suspect that Martin was not without blame in the situation (responding to an overly agressive self-appointed vigilante with violence?) but not deserving to lose his life over it. I also have sympathy for the post-trial Zimmermann... he's the one who will have to live with knowing his part in the thing, and knowing that he pulled a fast one on the public/system to some extent. The stories of his getting back his handgun (and concealed carry permit) because he is in "more danger than" ever smacks of poetic justice.

If I'm wrong and Zimmermann was just an honest, caring citizen of his neighborhood, protecting them against real threats and he walked into a situation he wasn't fully prepared for and was forced to use deadly force against a dangerous foe who would have killed him (and continued on to do whatever violent or antisocial act he was in process of acting out when stopped by him), then Zimmermann is the martyr and will at least live out his life of newly paranoia-inducing circumstances righteously. Somehow I don't think so.

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