My understanding is that it is renewable each year.

There is no particular evidence that his politics are especially "green". Has he said he would especially like to get asylum in a 'western' country? Why would he risk going someplace new based on a promise of what is "legally possible"? Does it get him home or some other place he wants to get back to under more favorable conditions?


On 11/2/13 8:05 AM, Jochen Fromm wrote:

His asylum in Russia is temporary, it is limited to a
year. He would like to get asylum in a western country.
And most of all he would like to testify before members of
the US congress. From what I have read today, it is legally
possible that the German government denies the extradition
to the US if he comes to Germany.

You know the whole affair makes big waves here. The majority
of Germans sees Snowden as a hero, and not as a traitor. Because
of their troubled history, the Germans are sensitive to any
form of surveillance and spying on the own people. We had
a massive secret state police at least two times, first in Nazi
Germany (SS & "Gestapo", Geheime Staatspolizei) and second
in Eastern Germany during communism ("Stasi", Staatssicherheit).
Other countries are sensitive to different issues, our neighbor
Poland for instance still discusses the causes for the crash
of the Polish Air Force Tu-154, where president Lech Kaczyn'ski
and many other people were killed. The general public opinion
here is that we don't want any form of state surveillance as
it occurred during fascism and communism. The people should
control the secret agencies, and not the other way round.
Therefore it is not surprising that the politician of the German
government who is the responsible for the secret agencies
- the current head of the chancellery - is not very popular
in the general public.

I think the German politician who spoke with Snowden really
wanted to know what he knows. And he is a bit angry at the
chancellery and the head of the chancellery, which is
responsible for the German intelligence agencies. He said
there have been at least four meetings of the parliamentary
control panel in the course of the NSA affair, and he has not
got any useful information in them. In other words the part
of the parliament which is responsible for the supervision
of the German intelligence agencies does not really know what
these agencies are doing. We know that government agencies
and public authorities are usually only effective when it comes
to vacation tricks and coffee making, however they should not
be allowed to do anything which is technically feasible. Luckily
we have still some politicians who don't give up if it becomes
difficult or uncomfortable.


On 11/02/2013 05:38 AM, Carl Tollander wrote:
Why would he want asylum in Germany? Not that that might not be spiffy from some perspectives, but still....

Nice letter, with the font and all. Diplomatically says, no, would have to be insane to take you up on your kind offer. Might be fun to have a beer in Munich someday, but you know how it is. Yours, etc, etc....

Really, what did said German politician think would happen?


On 11/1/13 8:13 AM, Pamela McCorduck wrote:
Any chance Germany will give Snowden asylum, Jochen?

On Nov 1, 2013, at 9:04 AM, Jochen Fromm < <>> wrote:

A high ranking German politician has spoken with Edward Snowden in Moscow. Here is the letter he brought back:


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