Just today I was in a usually locked room in our building and noticed
someone's laptop connected to about a dozen bitcoin chips (FPGAs??). The
control panel was open on the laptop and indicated a mining rate of 0.0036
bitcoins per day. That's one bitcoin per year. Seems like an awful lot of
effort for a couple hundred bucks.

On 21 November 2013 19:23, Pietro Terna <pietro.te...@unito.it> wrote:

>      At http://coinmill.com/BTC_calculator.html#BTC=100 you have the
> values of 100 BC in ... any money.
>     We are currently in a bubble, see the graphic (euros for 100 BC).
>     Best, Pietro
> Il 21/11/13 05:49, Arlo Barnes ha scritto:
>    Just listened to an NPR discussion of bitcoin.  Fascinating!  Good for
>> bad-guys, and good-guys.
>  See Comment two paragraphs below.
>>  The Silk Road market where you can buy all sorts of illegal things.
>  And some legal things. What amuses me about the Silk Road is the
> nicknames of the once and present kings (so to speak) of the site, the
> Dread Pirates Robert, being of course a reference to the Princess Bride and
> anticipating the capture of one and rise of the other in the tradition of
> the first, if that sentence is parsable..
>>  BC is illusive. Like another "bit", bit torrent, it's so distributed
>> and p2p that its hard to get your brain around it.
>  An undercorrected mistake: Illusive = an illusion. Elusive = it eludes
> one. But I agree, and the inherent complexity of the underlying
> cryptography makes it hard to talk about in sound-bite format - just in
> recent coverage, I have heard so many misconceptions about the computer
> science and politics involved with Bitcoin. Hopefully the cryptographers
> should be out in force with their diagrams. The best *introduction* to
> Bitcoin is a New Yorker article from a couple years ago, let me find it. [
> HERE<http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2011/10/10/111010fa_fact_davis%3F>]
> Doubtless not without imprecisions itself, but not so fearmongering.
>>  Even the Fed Reserve admires it and is interested in its future.
>  Still wondering what is going to happen to the millions of bitcoin seized
> from the first Silk Road. Dump it on the market all at once to drive the
> price down? Withhold it forever?
>>  And in terms of legality, it an offense to steal it and a guy is being
>> tried for a ponzi scheme involving BC.
>  I have heard some of those that tend towards suspicion claim that Bitcoin
> *is* a Ponzi scheme. Their theory relies on Satoshi Nakamura owning a lot
> of Bitcoins currently. Which brings up the interesting question if we could
> guess which interactions are his based on inference.
>>  And its trading very high against the dollar. Has anyone gotten
>> involved? Got a bitcoin?
> A friend gave me about 3μB⃦ if I remember correctly. I got tired of
> keeping the needy blockchain on my computer, so I sent most of those
> microcoins to an address with Electrum <http://electrum.org>.
>  And on the New Mexico GNU/Linux User Group mailing list today (anyone
> else subscribed?) someone posted about their project
> https://bitcoinpaperwallet.com/.
>  -Arlo
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Saul Caganoff
Enterprise IT Architect
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