There are quite a few. I did a quick survey and quite a bit of reading about 
six months ago, and in the end decided on LastPass. If you don’t care about 
mobile devices (phones, tablets), then the free version works great. I use it 
on all my computers, as well as a an iPhone and iPad, so I paid for the premium 
version, which still only costs $12 per year. Your heavily encrypted “vault” 
(store of passwords) is stored on their servers, but you password is not (they 
all work more or less the same way).


On Apr 13, 2014, at 4:21 PM, Nick Thompson <> wrote:

> I listen to a techguru on Saturday night when I am cooking dinner.  In the 
> light of the recent security gaff (bleeding heart?  Or whatever it was.)  he 
> advised that it was now time for all of us to get LastPass? Or something like 
> it.   What do you wise people advise for us Former English Majors. 
> N

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