It is fascinating seeing business evolution in action.

A lot of the AAA game companies seem to be struggling with maintaining their 
size and advantages compared to smaller and/or more recent players.  The big 
organizations have evolved from their nimble and inventive past to become 
lumbering and risk-averse.  They grew to take advantage of economies of scale 
only to find that they needed to avoid changing their formula for success or 
risk losing the scale of their economy.  There are parallels in other business 
domains, which now that I think about it, are all in the entertainment business 
- publishing, television, and movie-making.

Ray Parks
Consilient Heuristician/IDART Old-Timer
V: 505-844-4024  M: 505-238-9359  P: 505-951-6084
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On Jul 3, 2015, at 7:54 PM, Gillian Densmore wrote:

Well the game world drama continues- hmm only time will tell what this meens:

In case others don't know:  this has been a terrible year for Activision and 
(Aka WOW, Heroes of the Storm, Destininy and of course Call of Duty.)

Blizzard in 6 months has seen it's top Project Managers leave to Atari,  and 
Bioware and 3 weeks ago Blizzards COO quit to go to a unknown competitor 
speculated to be Red Dawn (God of Wars)

Activision's COO is rumoured to be quitting for  Gearbox. (Borderlands series)

As I don't know how many on Wedtech are gamers or Org Psych Wonks.
 I've been keeping tabs on this as I'm a gamer (so what) and into webdesign-
Plus i'm  curious what other peoples opinions are.

Might be worth waching as a live case of complexity (kind of), how does this 
play out can the various people involved get  the company back on track and if 
so how.

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