Hi Nick,

Sorry for not responding sooner.  Richard Lindzen is pretty well regarded
among the climate change "skeptics."  Here's a link to a recent talk of his:


On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 10:35 AM, Nick Thompson <nickthomp...@earthlink.net>

> Dear colleagues,
> I will be repatriated to Santa Fe soon and look forward to seeing you in
> October.
> In the meantime, could you possibly help me with the following.  Clark
> University is proposing a forum on climate change.  I want that forum to be
> honest, so I am wondering if anybody in this group can propose me the names
> of some skeptics who are sober, thoughtful, and have not resorted to
> throwing snowballs in the senate, so I could propose those names to the
> convening committee.  My thought was that in a forum on climate change,
> which would include, of course, many sessions on consequences and
> remediation, should be at least one in which the whole consensus is put in
> doubt.
> My note to the committee is appended below, in case you are curious.
> Nick
> Nicholas S. Thompson
> Emeritus Professor of Psychology and Biology
> Clark University
> http://home.earthlink.net/~nickthompson/naturaldesigns/
> *My fear here is that this will be one of those discussions where the
> choir sings to itself.  In Santa Fe, I sit with a group of highly trained
> engineers and hard scientists among whom are a few who are climate-change
> doubters.  These are folks who seem otherwise rational, so I have to take
> them seriously.  Now, I think it’s fair to say that every conversation
> amongst the climate change faithful  should not be gummed up by a few folks
> who doubt that it is happening at all.  For instance, we need to talk
> amongst ourselves about justice issues, How to respond so that its
> consequences will not fall disproportionately upon the weak and poor,
> However, I also think we should devote at least one session to bridging the
> gap between doubters and us faithful.  I suggest a session title, “Can a
> rational person doubt human-originated climate change?” and see who you can
> find that can explore the weaknesses in our consensus with the hope that
> such testing will make us more rational.  *
> ============================================================
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