[NST==>I persist in not seeing the relevance of the physiological information 
to the question of the nature of consciousness or, if one prefers, the question 
of how it makes sense to talk about consciousness.  I assume [from my vast 
store of ignorance] that computer folks would all agree that there is no 
necessary isomorphism between the function that a computer performs and the 
organization of the machine on which the performance is accomplished.

Progressively larger and more complex programs can run on 16, 32, bit and 64 
address space machines.   Games can get by on single precision floating point 
math, but scientific calculations usually require double precision (or more).  
Scalability can be limited by the dimensionality of the network fabric, or by 
the speed of latency or bandwidth of memory.   Some kind of combinatorics 
problems can be done on serial processors, others can be done on massively 
parallel graphics processors, some on custom integrated chips, and others may 
require exploiting quantum entanglement and tunneling.

The hardware tells you about what is possible to feasibly compute given 
constraints like power, heat dissipation, available operating temperatures. and 

Once the hardware is understood, then one can start to rationalize the 
low-level software.  How are errors in signaling handled?  How does the system 
adapt when operating conditions are not ideal?  How can multiple activities be 
coordinated without one risking the other?

Once those low-level software is understood, then higher level behaviors can be 
modeled.    Suppose the computing platform was a robot:  How are objects in the 
vicinity converted from light signals (or radar, etc.) into geometric objects?  
 Layer on that, how are geometry objects named?   Layer on that, how do named 
objects relate to one another logically?   Keep going, you’ll eventually get to 
semantics, philosophy, and so on.  All of these things could be described by 
mathematical models, and that model _is_ the best available story of that level 
of the cognitive entity.   Extending the metaphor to biology, the design 
decisions aren’t really design of course, they are just circumstance of 
evolutionary pressures.   They may have mathematical regularities across 
species that are interesting, but it is not clear they must.

In this view, it’s not clear it is even worth talking about until the lower 
levels of processing are understood to be the same or different.    I mean, 
I’ll continue to talk to my dog, because I like to.
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