From what I heard David Cameron messed it up. He failed miserably. In order to 
get elected and to get rid of his right wing critics he promised the people 
this referendum where they can vote for or against the EU. If people had voted 
to remain in the EU it would have been a victory for him. It wasn't. He lost. 
Most of the "Brexit" voters voted against the EU because they are against 
immigrants and want to make Britain great again, much like Trump in US. 
Unfortunately it will not happen, the British Pound will drop, customs will 
raise and the UK will slide into a recession. EU funding for universities in 
the UK will stop. It looks pretty bad for Great Britain, as you can see in the 
reaction of the stock markets. 
TL;DR Cameron messed it up and everyone in Europe is a bit shocked about the 
result of the referendum.
Regards Jochen
Sent from my Tricorder
-------- Original message --------From: Gillian Densmore 
<> Date: 6/24/16  21:23  (GMT+01:00) To: The Friday 
Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group <> Subject: [FRIAM] 
Anyone from England 
Care to speculate what's going on with this leave the EU thing?
I can guess but I might be wrong, I suppose I thought while the EU comes across 
as a discuntional family. I didn't know drama between England and the rest of 
Europe was so bad that they'd want to leave.
places like telegraph aren't exactly helping matters:

So anyone from England  have some opinions about what's going on?Also as it is 
reported in America it's a close call of  48 to 50% unless I totally 
misunderstand parimentarian best practices I thought that's when they called 
for another vote or a simple majority?Or am I wrong?More importantly can I 
still move there if a certain delusional Sith think's he can do some good?not a 
sith lord, just a sith, he's got all the makings of a sith, just not a good 
one. :P
How's the beer and weather?Where's a good place to live?
Anyway I hope all everyone has a day full of glory!MUCH MERRIMENT AND REVELRY!

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Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
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