Good point...

I used to be holding out for a Stephen Colbert/Tina Fey ticket for the Republicans... THEY would have swept the field on both sides for entirely different reasons!

On 6/27/16 4:19 PM, glen ☣ wrote:

If they'd get someone like Samantha Bee or John Oliver to moderate it, _then_ it might be a good thing.

On 06/27/2016 03:09 PM, Steven A Smith wrote:
That said, I'm still holding out for a 4-way debate with Bernie as Independent and Gary Johnson as Libertarian. I think the Donald would get shredded on every one of his points by one or all three of the others. I think Hillary would suffer as well, but not by a fraction. I think the things Bernie and Gary differ on would degenerate to "agree to disagree" and all of them except the aspiring "Bigot in Chief" would be very strong on personal rights, splitting only on gun control.

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