I think Eric did a good job demonstrating that the use of "technology" in 
"technology startup" is at least ambiguous, if not a straight-up misnomer.  But 
another ambiguity lies in the word "startup".  My company is routinely 
misclassified as a startup simply because we're small and have our hands in 
some (seemingly) novel pies.  But we're just a "boutique" company, which is 
decidedly different from the VC-seeking, market-focused, pockets of turbulence 
one usually means by "startup".

All this yammering the marketeers do about disruption is red meat for the 
audience of the business books section at Barnes & Noble, right next to the 
self-help and homeopathy sections.  It's not quite nonsense, though.  The myth 
that any single innovation, linearly drives the market this way or that is 
caused and maintained by the same psychological condition that makes us think 
Einstein, Newton, Hitler, or whoever was pivotal to the development of mankind. 
 These Great People were drafted by the collective to play those roles.  They 
were not causative, isolated, instances.

The same is true of any other technological advance from beer brewing to germ 
theory to the iphone.

On 10/17/2016 08:29 PM, Nick Thompson wrote:
> If you ARE (factual) or WERE (counter-factual) a technology startup, do you 
> (would you) advertise yourself as a disruptor?  What would the promotional 
> THEORY  behind doing so?  What market share would you be hoping to capture.  
> What would be the business model?  


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