That was a subtlety I left out.  Gelman (statistician at Columbia) says
that Power Pose probably isn't even wrong, that striking a confident pose
probably does help, but does it make up for a lousy breakfast, or insomnia,
or sick relatives, or abusive partners, or ...?  There are so many factors
that could influence how people feel that it's not going to be any low
sample number quickie experiment that settles the issue.  In fact, it may
be one of those questions where errors in the measurements of the factors
overwhelm the error in the measurement of the outcome.

So it's not false, it might well be true, but it has not been empirically
demonstrated as was originally claimed, and empirical demonstration is

It's something a lot of people want to believe, is there a word for that?
Believable and credible don't convey the desire involved.

-- rec --

On Tue, Dec 6, 2016 at 1:00 PM, Owen Densmore <> wrote:

> Are Falsehoods the new Truthy?
> On Tue, Dec 6, 2016 at 10:15 AM, Joe Spinden <> wrote:
>> Love it.
>> On 12/6/16 9:41 AM, Roger Critchlow wrote:
>> Enter the power pose, the proposition that standing up straight will give
>> you the super powers to overcome adversity, except that no one can
>> replicate the original experiment, the primary author has disavowed the
>> publication, yet the primary advocate is making millions off the idea.
>> When-Big-Ideas-Go-Bad
>> <>
>> via
>> -- rec --
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