Enter the power pose, the proposition that standing up straight will give you the super powers to overcome adversity, except that no one can replicate the original experiment, the primary author has disavowed the publication, yet the primary advocate is making millions off the idea.
When-Big-Ideas-Go-Bad <http://www.chronicle.com/article/When-Big-Ideas-Go-Bad/238544?key=yop9k7-B1QiWD6aZpWTJrwQaFFjhgu-cumdsNS97tdI-aTlXSFvHWZIy2iA1Y0UfSDdsb1ZES1NjYnd5QTllSDNlSG9LVjAzRUl3NVNrVGZhUzRMSWJ5Q1BGdw> via http://www.aldaily.com/ -- rec --
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