BTW: Here's Bremmer's view of the threats ahead.

It does help to understand his Three Americas

Ian is famous for his "three choices" for US foreign policy:
1 - Indispensable America
2 - Moneyball America
3 - Independent America

 .. Bremmer apparently believes Trump is a mix of 2 & 3, and definitely not

   -- Owen

On Sat, Jan 7, 2017 at 11:12 AM, Marcus Daniels <>

> Owen writes:
> "It all starts at home."
> That certainly is a point of view.  Here's another:
> Compassion/dp/0062339338
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Friam <> on behalf of Owen Densmore <
> *Sent:* Saturday, January 7, 2017 11:06:00 AM
> *To:* The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group
> *Subject:* Re: [FRIAM] Hope or Despair
> I realized too late that my reference to the number of Damns one has may
> not have been clear.  From an earlier post:
> BTW: I realize I've posted this in the past, and my version of it uses s/
> fuck/damn/. But I've only got a limited number of Damn's to give, and the
> fewer, the stronger.
> So I just don't give a Damn about the president, no matter who. I have
> too few to give. My first Damn is for Love & Compassion, kinda weak I
> realize but then I think I can stop war by being peaceful myself. It all
> starts at home.
> On Sat, Jan 7, 2017 at 10:31 AM, Owen Densmore <>
> wrote:
>> Clearly you need to attend to Kissinger and Bremmer.
>> In terms of Russia, Kissinger's analysis of the Nation State suggests we
>> have been far too shallow. There are very good reasons for the Russian
>> people to feel exposed by the west's encroachment, and why they approve of
>> Putin to the degree they do.
>> Trump is no threat. I personally have not given up even one of my 25
>> Damns over him. Any threatened Rape and Pillage will likely just cause
>> another economic implosion which we survived pretty well.
>> I am curious, however, which of Bremmers 3 Americas Trump tends to, or
>> what blend of the three. And what Trump thinks of Kissinger's recent
>> defense of the nation state .. I know Kissinger is meeting with Trump.
>> Presidential politics are unique. Presidential historians agree that,
>> whatever a president has promised, he/she is always formed by unexpected,
>> exogenous events. At a guess, they will be foreign affairs in Trump's case.
>> I hope he takes the MoneyBall stance.
>>    -- Owen
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