Actually, I think the author, Richard Willmsen, got it right, Frank.  I am
seeing more of these predictions of a meltdown ... the following
linked *CounterPunch
*article says he is going to have a lot of help in the process ...

Also, I think Paul Street has this same thought completely right in his
very well-written piece, calling out all of the inept sockpuppet characters
that have been on or competed to be on the POTUS stage over the last decade
or so.

But will Trump quit?  It seems inevitable that he could not possibly last
the year. No?  Maybe there *is *hope ... BUT, we then get Mike Pence ...
AND, except for the disciples of Milton Friedman, perhaps, Steet's article
does paint a very disheartening picture-- a palimpsest of sorts--for the
"deeps state" neoliberal system that underlies all of this. Moreover, the
author thinks all of the other 2016 presidential contenders--except for,
perhaps, Bernie--were puppets in the marionette performance we called an
election and then a follow-up performance in an Administration. What is
amazing is that Trump kicked all of their butts and then had many of them
go through an *Apprentice*-like job interview.  Yikes! What does that alone

​*CounterPunch*: The Deep State v. Trump

This is the part I liked, as it confirms what I have thought about this
distraction.  This is what the Russian scare is really all about ...

​The second thing is to de-legitimize the blustering newcomer to
Washington. The CIA, the Democratic Party, some Republican elites and the
corporate media’s embrace of the dubious narrative claiming that Trump owes
his election and presidency to Russian hacking is part of an elite campaign
to keep Trump on a right leash even as he enters the White House. The
ubiquitous media-fed storyline linking Trump to the Kremlin Putin is
crafted to de-legitimize Trump politically as well to keep the New Cold War
heat on Russia and to help the dismal Democrats avoid blame for the
terrible policies they enact and enable and the awful campaigns and
candidates they run.​

This too:

*Adjust, Quit, or Get Removed*

Trump will either understand this and adjust or cling to his aberrational
white-nationalist-protectionist-nativist folly and get removed from power
one way or another. My sense is that the serious and sober, class- and
empire-conscious U.S. wealth and power elite is counting on Trump’s sense
of self-interest to understand that he’s going to have to scale back enough
of his narcissism and white-nationalist “populism” to show that’s he’s a
“team player” if he wants to avoid (a) being impeached, (b) being removed
from office in some other fashion (has the CIA shown Trump the digitally
enhanced version of the Zabruder film yet?), and/or (c) going down as the
most laughably ridiculous president in American history.


*The Top Trump Threat Goes Unmentioned*

Meanwhile, the planet faces a golden shower of capitalism-generated climate
Trump wants to escalate. All indications are that a massive, system-wide
reconversion from fossil fuels to renewable energy is required within at
least the next two decades if humanity is to realistically hope for any
kind of decent future under or beyond the rule of the American and
world-capitalist Deep State. And here we might want to consider *the main
thing missing from the corporate media’s often critical commentary on the
new White House*: Trump’s determination to “deregulate energy” – that is,
to significantly escalate the Greenhouse Gassing-to death of life on Earth.
  If it’s any dark consolation, the coming economic crash should cut global
carbon emissions for a few months or so.

This, of course, is the scariest part.  Cheers.

On Wed, Jan 25, 2017 at 10:01 PM, Frank Wimberly <>

> This insightful essay about Trump argues that he will soon decompensate:
> is-going-to-snap-very-soon-and-here-is-how-i-know/
> Since it is a prediction it will be easy to evaluate.
> Frank
> Frank Wimberly
> Phone (505) 670-9918
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