From Street's article:
"My guess is that he’ll try to tough it out, handing off most if not all the 
difficult work to his underlings."

I agree with Street, here.  There's an accusation that people like Bannon are 
writing a bunch of executive orders, not even knowing which ones Trump will 
sign.  And from this follow-up to the voice analysis article:

Analyzing The Presidential Debate: What The Candidates’ Voices Said That They 

... if Trump can completely surround himself with sycophants (which is almost 
working so far) and avoid things like press briefings and protests, then he can 
keep himself in calm territory.  Meanwhile, those of us out here wring our 
hands, spend all our money polluting the planet by flying to DC for protests 
 stressing about the damage he's doing.

Our one in, I suppose, will be that he really likes TV.  So to whatever extent 
we can keep issues that take him from his calm place on TV, we can stress him 
out a bit.

On 01/26/2017 08:41 AM, Robert Wall wrote:
> Actually, I think the author, Richard Willmsen, got it right, Frank.  I am 
> seeing more of these predictions of a meltdown ... the following linked 
> /CounterPunch /article says he is going to have a lot of help in the process 
> ...

☣ glen

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