Well, this isn't physics or math so any assertion is ambiguous, complicated
and uncertain. But...Introversion is often caused by grandiose or
exhibitionistic impulses.  Once I saw a TV interview in which Barbra
Streisand claimed to be a shy introvert.  (That's the correct spelling of
her name). To the extent that I understand it, and very oversimplified,
Narcissistic Personality Disorder is caused by failure of the parents to
validate a child's authentic self.  For instance, imagine a three
year-old's mother says, "He's a ladies' man like his daddy".  First, he's
not a man and the only lady he cares about is his mommy.  He feels lonely,
empty, and much dissonance between what he is and what his parent(s) say(s)
he is.

Disclaimer: I read a handful of books on this and related topics.  I took
one course at the Pittsburgh Psychoanalytic Institute on "Psychoanalysis
and Literature".  I had many conversations with residents, psychiatrists,
and psychoanalysts when I worked in the Research Center in Child Psychiatry
at the University of Pittsburgh.  This is far from being educated in the

Frank Wimberly
Phone (505) 670-9918

On Jan 27, 2017 3:00 PM, "glen ☣" <geprope...@gmail.com> wrote:

> No.  It seemed to me that you quit the conversation.  Of course, I can't
> be sure you got my last message.  But I left off challenging the
> (especially remote) diagnosis of NPD as purely phenomenological (type 2).
> And given Nick's idea that recursive explanations are fundamentally
> different from flat ones, I also provided a rather detailed challenge to
> that.
> So, it seems to me that Trump's learned behavior (pre military school, but
> by some accounts even in college) may easily be a consequence of learning
> how to _deal_ with his introverted nature, especially in the context of an
> overbearing father.
> The primary aspect of what I see about Trump is that he's compensating for
> deep insecurities.  Perhaps deep insecurities can percolate out to exhibit
> as introvertedness or narcissism, especially since the entire process of
> diagnosis is solely phenomenological.  But I readily admit my ignorance and
> would love to learn how I'm wrong.
> On 01/27/2017 01:43 PM, Frank Wimberly wrote:
> > Sorry, but Trump is not an introvert.  It's true that introversion can
> be caused by extrovert-like impulses.  But Trump is a narcissist.  I
> thought I had sent enough evidence.
> --
> ☣ glen
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