Nick writes:

"There is no truth of the matter; there is only the exercise of power. "


"So, if we are going to counter Trump, it cannot be by demonstrating that he 
lies.  It has to be by demonstrating that liars don't win."

He's old and nearing the last round of his iterated Prisoner's Dilemma game.  
He wants everyone to know about his power and -- this is perhaps giving him too 
much credit -- his defection.   As far as objective consequences to denying the 
truth, what are possible ways he could go down?

1)      He fails to make policies that are consistent with economic possibility 
and creates a serious global recession.

2)      He insults the GOP leadership and bullies them when they are not going 
to move.

3)      He does more illegal things thinking no one will notice, and is forced 
out in disgrace like Nixon.

4)      He deregulates to the point that there is a conspicuous health or 
safety crisis that impacts millions.

Climate change probably won't get him in the next four years unless there is 
some big tipping point.
If any of these things happen, it would probably unspool the whole 
administration, but not necessarily.


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