Homo sapiens dramaticus
And we *wonder* at why we live in such a polarized society?

I learned early in life that if a canoe is tipping to one side, you don't lean out the other, you drop to the bottom center, lower your center of gravity. Why is that so hard in sociopolitical contexts? Unless you want to tip into the drink!

The point of paddling a canoe is to explore and enjoy the world, so you don't want to spend it huddled in the bottom. I suppose the sociopolitical equivalent is maintaining a moderate/centrist stance on *everything*.

Maybe it is a bad metaphor.

On Thu, Feb 2, 2017 at 8:53 AM, Steven A Smith <sasm...@swcp.com <mailto:sasm...@swcp.com>> wrote:

    REC -

    Why do "we" do this?   I mean the part about stretching the truth
    to support our point, only to undermine our point?

    I don't have any trouble extrapolating from THIS story that the
    ban and attendant delays *could have* caused the death in the way
    implied, but that isn't the same and just feeds the whole "culture
    of fake news".

    I don't know how many of my anti-Trumpian friends have reported
    things to me that sounded outrageous, only to follow it up and
    discover that while there was a grain of truth in it, what they
    reported was some kind of distortion that undermined *their*
    credibility more than it undermined the position of their opposition?

    - SAS

    On 2/2/17 1:55 AM, Roger Critchlow wrote:
    If you read the linked article, you'll see that this Mom died
    several days before the executive order was signed.

    -- rec --

    On Wed, Feb 1, 2017 at 10:44 PM, Owen Densmore
    <o...@backspaces.net <mailto:o...@backspaces.net>> wrote:

        We just got a lot dumber.

        (Terence Tao? Wow! Didn't know many of us followed him.
        Fascinating guy.)​

        Sadly, the ban has now killed someone:
        Inline image 1

        On Wed, Feb 1, 2017 at 2:50 PM, glen ☣ <geprope...@gmail.com
        <mailto:geprope...@gmail.com>> wrote:

            Open thread for mathematicians on the immigration
            executive order
            Terance Tao

            > Even if the order was withdrawn immediately, there is
            no longer an assurance, even for nationals not initially
            impacted by that order, that some similar abrupt and
            major change in the rules for entry to the United States
            could not occur, for instance for a visitor who has
            already gone through the lengthy visa application process
            and background checks, secured the appropriate visa, and
            is already in flight to the country.  This is already
            affecting upcoming or ongoing mathematical conferences or
            programs in the US, with many international speakers
            (including those from countries not directly affected by
            the order) now cancelling their visit, either in protest
            or in concern about their ability to freely enter and
            leave the country.

            ☣ glen

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