Merle writes:

< So I took my grant to CNLS at Los Alamos, where I was greeted with open arms 
(I was deemed a "domain expert" in terrorism because I had mediated in N. 
Ireland and the Middle East) and given an office, a computer, post-docs from 
all over the world, and a title as Guest Scientist and Affiliate--enabling me 
to present my team's research at conferences in the credential-crazed world of 
academia.  >

Perhaps it is not widely known, but there is also an organization in Los Alamos 
called the New Mexico Consortium.   This is a lower overhead non-profit that 
has negotiated a degree of peace with the lab and it is common for LANL 
scientists to direct staff at the NMC, or for LANL scientists to spend some of 
their time at the NMC.   Many NMC folks get limited badging for the lab and can 
attend relevant events.  However, to do that kind of work in an applied sense 
would surely involve security clearances, so NMC might not be right anyway in 
that case.  The NMC isn’t that big, but probably a similar staff size to SFI.

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