"For example, if you're a woman and you're trying to decide if Trump's words 
are meaningful (his locker room talk), you have to decide what community takes 

She doesn't have to decide on the basis of communities.  She can look at the 
available evidence and estimate if this is the kind of leader that match her 
personal values and her interests.   There is the question of set membership 
(e.g. woman, Caucasian), but that's doesn't need a loaded term like 
`community'.   And it largely has to be done in meme space -- in her head -- 
because she probably won't get the opportunity to punch the candidate in the 
face to see what happens, or take the opportunity to punch the redneck neighbor 
in the face either to cause him to convince her he's right.

"The same is true of fake news.  When you see a news story with a headline 
that's plausible or fits your world view, what makes you decide to dig deeper 
to verify it or debunk it?"

Even if you are biased and not playing fair (if there is such a thing at this 
point), you want to know what the truth is so that you can continue to not play 
fair.   You want to know the risks and how to best generate lies that will 
achieve your objectives.   

"Of course, with the flurry of dialogue between you and me, we're doing what 
Kasparov warned against: we're _exhausting_ the others' ability to participate."

If anybody starts firing off e-mails I'd respond to those too, at least until I 
get that e-mail back from the admins telling me what I want is done.   The 
e-mails would arrive interleaved with yours.   No problem.   It's not like an 
in-person meeting where there is some alpha or authority to wrestle down or 
tip-toe around.    This comes up in a lot of situations where there are high 
bandwidth people and low bandwidth people and deep or shallow people.   Ideally 
the product of depth * bandwidth wins out.

As it relates to high-stakes decisions like elections, I don't see a problem 
with exhausting others' ability to participate.   Maybe the left just needs to 
get a lot louder and persistent.   More twitter bots, better targeted 
propaganda, agents to infiltrate the opposition.   At this point I have little 
faith in dialogue.  

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