Nice of you to tell me and George what the point is.  We were faculty in
the same public policy school and feel competent to decide for ourselves.

By the way, Ted Kaczinski, the Unabomber got a PhD at my alma mater.



Frank Wimberly
Phone (505) 670-9918

On May 3, 2017 5:08 PM, "Merle Lefkoff" <> wrote:

> Frank--I have no doubt everyone on the list understands how important
> pre-K is. Again, that's not the issue. What happened in Santa Fe yesterday
> set back two important policy initiatives for reasons that were not
> entirely holy.
> Thanks for the information about your wife being a graduate of Harvard.
>  (I can't resist) She joins notable fellow Harvard alums--just to name a
> couple from a very long list--like Jeffrey Skilling, former CEO of Enron
> (he'll be released in 2019), and also WOW! Jared Kushner, who was admitted
> right after his father Charles donated $2.5m to Harvard.  Daddy Kushner was
> released from prison in 2006. Jared has yet to release the U.S. government.
> I have three degrees from Emory University.  Emory became prominent
> because of the largesse of the Coca-Cola Company.  There is no escape. We
> are all implicated.
> On Wed, May 3, 2017 at 4:33 PM, Frank Wimberly <>
> wrote:
>> My wife Deborah graduated from the Harvard Graduate School of Education
>> having specialized in early childhood development.  She has made it clear
>> to me over the years that the benefits of pre-K are enormous cognitively
>> and socially.  Is that clear to everyone or would references be helpful?
>> Frank
>> Frank Wimberly
>> Phone (505) 670-9918
>> On May 3, 2017 4:18 PM, "George Duncan" <> wrote:
>>> ​Hey, Merle, I don't remember forgetting where the money for this
>>> campaign came from. According to the AP,
>>> Campaign finance reports show New York billionaire Michael Bloomberg
>>> contributed $1.1 million to a pro-tax committee. The American Beverage
>>> Association spent $1.3 million against the tax.​
>>> Also, relevant is what organizations were for it and what organizations
>>> were against? Again according to the AP,
>>> Spending by rival political committees pitted the American Beverage
>>> Association and allied local businesses against soda-tax backers including
>>> Bloomberg, teachers unions, the American Heart Association and the Roman
>>> Catholic Church.
>>> Interesting allies to a "political mafia".
>>> Yes, we do need pre-K and now with this defeat I see no path towards
>>> getting it.
>>> George Duncan
>>> Emeritus Professor of Statistics, Carnegie Mellon University
>>> See posts on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram
>>> Land: (505) 983-6895
>>> Mobile: (505) 469-4671
>>> My art theme: Dynamic exposition of the tension between matrix order and
>>> luminous chaos.
>>> "Attempt what is not certain. Certainty may or may not come later. It
>>> may then be a valuable delusion."
>>> From "Notes to myself on beginning a painting" by Richard Diebenkorn.
>>> "It's that knife-edge of uncertainty where we come alive to our truest
>>> power." Joanna Macy.
>>> On Wed, May 3, 2017 at 3:18 PM, Merle Lefkoff <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> You forget George, that the political Mafia that runs Santa Fe city
>>>> government not only put together a stupidly doomed proposal, but also
>>>> brought in outside money that MATCHED the amount of money brought in by
>>>> corporate interests.  Some of you may remember that $250,000 of outside
>>>> money also came into the Mayor's race after the City Council had passed
>>>> legislation to insure a citizen-funded municipal campaign.  As it turned
>>>> out, the Mayor would have won without the extra money that local power
>>>> brokers brought in from outside.  Another loss for local democracy and
>>>> getting money out of politics.  Cry the Beloved City.  Because we really
>>>> really need pre-K.
>>>> On Wed, May 3, 2017 at 10:29 AM, George Duncan <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Anyone like to bet that we will now address these issues "rationally"
>>>>> so that there will be either funding for Pre-K or disincentives for sugary
>>>>> drinks? I will take the opposite side of that bet.
>>>>> We now see the power of those corporate interests who will provide the
>>>>> millions of dollars needed to defeat any tax proposal that might hurt 
>>>>> them.
>>>>> Some how I do not expect them to be funding Pre-K education by any means.
>>>>> Also any new proposal to tax sugary drinks will prompt their money to be
>>>>> put into opposition. Further note what our Governor said in response to
>>>>> yesterday's defeat about the public  mood to increase taxes.
>>>>> Yes, elitists may well think that Pre-K dominates cheap soda. And,
>>>>> yes, elitists don't drink Coca-Cola and instead like Perrier water. So
>>>>> District votes hardly surprising.
>>>>> Duncan
>>>>> George Duncan
>>>>> Emeritus Professor of Statistics, Carnegie Mellon University
>>>>> See posts on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram
>>>>> Land: (505) 983-6895
>>>>> Mobile: (505) 469-4671
>>>>> My art theme: Dynamic exposition of the tension between matrix order
>>>>> and luminous chaos.
>>>>> "Attempt what is not certain. Certainty may or may not come later. It
>>>>> may then be a valuable delusion."
>>>>> From "Notes to myself on beginning a painting" by Richard Diebenkorn.
>>>>> "It's that knife-edge of uncertainty where we come alive to our truest
>>>>> power." Joanna Macy.
>>>>> On Wed, May 3, 2017 at 9:54 AM, Owen Densmore <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Oh, and Elitism? Culturalism?
>>>>>> Well the south side districts overwhelmly trounced it: 69% & 73% Even
>>>>>> the most liberal districts were 50-50.
>>>>>>    -- Owen
>>>>>> On Wed, May 3, 2017 at 9:45 AM, Owen Densmore <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Voters smack down mayor’s beverage tax proposal
>>>>>>> k-down-mayor-s-beverage-tax-proposal/article_3971faf0-2f9c-1
>>>>>>> 1e7-8374-532a52cd354f.html
>>>>>>> Now maybe we can focus on health, pre-K, etc rationally rather than
>>>>>>> tying them together idiotically.
>>>>>>> Quote:
>>>>>>> Opponents resisted the proposed tax as an unfair overreach by city
>>>>>>> leaders and not the best way to fulfill a recognized need for expanding
>>>>>>> access to preschool programs.
>>>>>>> Amen!
>>>>>>>    -- Owen!
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>>>> --
>>>> Merle Lefkoff, Ph.D.
>>>> President, Center for Emergent Diplomacy
>>>> Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
>>>> Visiting Professor in Integrative Peacebuilding
>>>> Saint Paul University
>>>> Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
>>>> <>
>>>> mobile:  (303) 859-5609
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> --
> Merle Lefkoff, Ph.D.
> President, Center for Emergent Diplomacy
> Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
> Visiting Professor in Integrative Peacebuilding
> Saint Paul University
> Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
> <>
> mobile:  (303) 859-5609
> skype:  merle.lelfkoff2
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> Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
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