OK.  So, the answer is "No".  Those non-violent anarchists are NOT willing to 
take responsibility for the actions of others who call themselves "anarchists". 
 Nor, it seems, are they willing to take responsibility for the damage their 
rhetoric might cause.  So it is with Islam, libertarians, Trump, etc.  Same 
effect, different demagoguery.  We elite sophists can preen and pick at the 
language all day.  But unless it "boils down", intact, to the language and 
actions of the laity, it's just as culpable as every other well-paved road to 

To be clear, I'm not trying to "shame" anyone.  I just want to be clear about 
the self-contradictory nature of such things.

On 05/05/2017 07:28 AM, Merle Lefkoff wrote:
> Glen, you have a choice to assume that anarchists, like all political
> groups, come with a more nuanced spectrum of strategies than outsiders are
> able to discern.  And many that I know understand that in the long run,
> non-violence is the winning strategy.
> On Thu, May 4, 2017 at 4:37 PM, glen ☣ <geprope...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> So, how do they feel about policing the other self-described
>> "anarchists"?  I.e. calling out groups like the black bloc as "outsiders"
>> or whatnot?


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