You might want to consider Zenodo <>.

Host institution

Zenodo is hosted by CERN which has existed since 1954 and currently has an
experimental programme defined for the next 20+ years. CERN is a memory
institution for High Energy Physics and renowned for its pioneering work in
Open Access. Organisationally Zenodo is embedded in the IT Department,
Collaboration Devices and Applications Group, Digital Repositories Section

Zenodo is offered by CERN as part of its mission to make available the
results of its work (CERN Convention, Article II, §1

Zenodo is funded by:

   - European Commission via the OpenAIRE <>
      - FP7: OpenAIRE (246686), OpenAIREplus (283595)
      - Horizon 2020: OpenAIRE2020 (643410) and OpenAIRE-Connect (731011).
   - CERN <>
   - Donations via CERN & Society Foundation

Zenodo is developed and supported as a marginal activity, and hosted on top
of existing infrastructure and services at CERN, in order to reduce
operational costs and rely on existing efforts for High Energy Physics.
CERN has some of the world’s top experts in running large scale research
data infrastructures and digital repositories that we rely on in order to
deliver a trusted digital repository.


   - Scope: All fields of research. All types of research artifacts.
   Content must not violate privacy or copyright, or breach confidentiality or
   non-disclosure agreements for data collected from human subjects.
   - Status of research data: Any status is accepted, from any stage of the
   research lifecycle.
   - Eligible depositors: Anyone may register as user of Zenodo. All users
   are allowed to deposit content for which they possess the appropriate
   - Ownership: By uploading content, no change of ownership is implied and
   no property rights are transferred to CERN. All uploaded content remains
   the property of the parties prior to submission.
   - Data file formats: All formats are allowed - even preservation
   unfriendly. We are working on guidelines and features that will help people
   deposit in preservation friendly formats.
   - Volume and size limitations: Total files size limit per record is
   50GB. Higher quotas can be requested and granted on a case-by-case basis.
   - Data quality: All information is provided “as-is”, and the user shall
   hold Zenodo and information providers supplying data to Zenodo free and
   harmless in connection with the use of such information.
   - Metadata types and sources: All metadata is stored internally in
   JSON-format according to a defined JSON schema
   <>. Metadata is
   exported in several standard formats such as MARCXML, Dublin Core, and
   DataCite Metadata Schema (according to the OpenAIRE Guidelines
   - Language: For textual items, English is preferred but all languages
   are accepted.
   - Licenses: Users must specify a license for all publicly available
   files. Licenses for closed access files may be specified in the description

Access and Reuse

   - Access to data objects: Files may be deposited under closed, open, or
   embargoed access. Files deposited under closed access are protected against
   unauthorized access at all levels. Access to metadata and data files is
   provided over standard protocols such as HTTP and OAI-PMH.
   - Use and re-use of data objects: Use and re-use is subject to the
   license under which the data objects were deposited.
   - Embargo status: Users may deposit content under an embargo status and
   provide and end date for the embargo. The repository will restrict access
   to the data until the end of the embargo period; at which time, the content
   will become publically available automatically.
   - Restricted Access: Users may deposit restricted files with the ability
   to share access with others if certain requirements are met. These files
   will not be made publicly available and sharing will be made possible only
   by the approval of depositor of the original file.
   - Metadata access and reuse: Metadata is licensed under CC0, except for
   email addresses. All metadata is exported via OAI-PMH and can be harvested.

On Sun, May 7, 2017 at 10:23 AM Marcus Daniels <> wrote:

> According to  this..
> ..there are about 8037 people in Santa Fe with a household income above
> $100k/year.   Baltimore has a 3% tax.  D.C. has a 8.5% income tax for
> income over $40k/year.
> Mimic that, only taxing just those with > $100k incomes, and Santa Fe
> would bring in $25-$70 million dollars a year.  Tax 5% across the board and
> it would be nearly $130 million (given the 2015 data).
> Throw in some property tax for the richer folks, maybe could haul in $150
> or $200 million a year.
> *From:* Friam [] *On Behalf Of *Owen
> Densmore
> *Sent:* Sunday, May 07, 2017 10:48 AM
> *To:* The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group <
> *Subject:* Re: [FRIAM] ​​
> Here's what I think: Nick should start on his creation of Friam Threads,
> captured snippets or gists, and post them on Medium. Then once a year,
> we'll choose which ones could lead to nifty papers and publish them.
> I think it would be fun!
>    -- Owen
> ============================================================
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