I guess a measure of how life-like it is, is how much you are waiting for the 
robot to haul off and smack the guy with the hockey stick.  Some kind of mirror 
neuron thing, maybe.

> On May 9, 2017, at 12:06 PM, Marcus Daniels <mar...@snoutfarm.com> wrote:
> Glen writes:
> "At some point, wouldn't we enter David Deutsch (or Neal Stephenson) 
> territory?  ... where the idea is that the computation in our nervous system 
> is mappable to the computation going on around us"
> While Boston Dynamics has remarkable capabilities, or a Tesla driving itself, 
> it still doesn’t compare to my dog chasing down a rabbit.   Once they are 
> matched, then it seems like that mapping has been modeled adequately.
> Marcus
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