Glen -

I always appreciate your corrections. You are naturally the only one who really knows what you meant when you brought it up. I thought I remembered that you invoked the onion and it's layers to try to explain your distinction between levels and layers and the utility of the same in the discussion of Complexity Science.

I know how to slice onions with a knife, I've even been known to crush small ones like a garlic clove, and have even run them through a blender for various culinary purposes, but in this discussion, I can't think why we would have been talking about an onion if not as the source domain for a metaphor. Why were we talking about an onion? I remember a discursion into or near the embryological implications of how onions form their layers?

- Steve

On 6/12/17 10:45 AM, glen ☣ wrote:
Just to clarify, no, that's not at all what I did.  I did not propose onion as 
a source and layer as a target.  That completely misses my point.  An onion is 
a thing that can be sliced up, thought about, analyzed, by various different 
methods.  No metaphor involved.  This tendency to see metaphors everywhere is a 
strange disease we're inflicted with. 8^)

On 06/12/2017 09:39 AM, Steven A Smith wrote:
In the example at hand,  Glen invoked "an Onion" as the /source/ domain in a 
metaphor to try to understand the more general and abstract target domain of /layer/.  
Other /source/ domains (deposition layers, skin, geology) were offered as well to offer 
conceptual parallax on this.

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