On 06/14/2017 01:29 PM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
> The meaning is clear, but is this a term that is used in particular 
> communities?   The reason I ask is that I deal with people all that time that 
> do this, and I'd like to be able to whack a book over their head, since  they 
> like to do that to others.

On 06/12/2017 10:39 AM, glen ☣ wrote:
> Cf Brian Cantwell Smith in: 
> https://global.oup.com/academic/product/philosophy-of-mental-representation-9780198250524?cc=us&lang=en&;

It's not clear to me how common the usage is.  In B.C. Smith's "On the Origin 
of Objects", he calls it "inscription error" instead.  In the book cited above, 
he states that he prefers "premature registration", mainly because it applies 
not only to programming/inscribing, but to things like what happened in this 
discussion (where Nick and Steve prematurely clamped on an onion metaphor I 
didn't intend).  I still prefer inscription error when I use it in a simulation 
context because the meaning is more clear.  In logic or rhetorical contexts, 
the standard "petitio principii" still works.

☣ glen

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