DaveW -
I have several friends with tons of money (multi-millionaires, not
billionaires) and they are all leaving stocks. Not because of Trump but
because of the massive shift away from actively managed funds to passive
ones and the overvaluation of price as a result. Bloomberg business just
had a major article about this. I suspect that crony's are moving money
the same way my friends are, and for the same reasons.
Are you suggesting that there is no bubble driven by speculation (and the reality of) on the free-for-all Trump has promised big business, especially (overtly) extractive/polluting/usurious industries?

Expect the big whoosh and then reasonably rapid recovery.
I do imagine there may be a rapid(ish) recovery if the nonsense in the government stabilizes. My Pollyanna has me believing that we are on a cusp and that many industries ARE shifting toward a more sustainable model and that these (e.g. renewable energy) will thrive in the vacuum left as some of the older, less sustainable ones (coal and other fossil-fuels) which are currently enjoying the (promise of?) deregulation implode.
  And don't
expect it to have any effect on Trump, the admin, or his followers.
I think a tumble in the market will undermine the belief that Trump somehow magically has improved our economy simply by being elected, it may motivate/allow many who have been enjoying the ride up to quit supporting him (even as passively as not rejecting/confronting his nonsense).

Hope springs infernal!

- Steve

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